In message <>, Doug Barton writes:
> On 09/19/2012 15:36, Joe Maimon wrote:
> > So 6-8 years to try and rehabilitate 240/4 was not even enough to try?
> All the experts I consulted with told me that the effort to make this
> workable on the big-I Internet, not to mention older private networks;
> would be equivalent if not greater than the effort to deploy v6 ... and
> obviously with much less long-term benefit.
> Doug

And for those cases I would agree with you and the experts.

However it would have been possible to use 240/4 between CPE and a
6rd BR and CGN with CPE signaling that it can use 240/4 address it
is assigned one.  This could be done incrementally and would have
been better than the /10 that was eventually allocated for that

Mark Andrews, ISC
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