Subscription only, $199/year (special introductory offer, normally $499!).

Try it free for two weeks but only if you cough up info.

How about a summary for those of us who are disinclined to do either?

-r writes:

> dream big....
> /bill
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 08:31:44AM +0200, Tore Anderson wrote:
>> * Cameron Byrne
>> > FYI
>> > 
>> > So much for next generation technology ...
>> Yesterday, Telenor launched LTE.
>> So. With a green-field deployment, in their home market (supposed to be
>> the first of their tree-digit million subscribers world-wide to get all
>> the cool new tech), built on 3GPP specs that fully supports IPv6,
>> already proven to work by other pioneers (^5 VzW), for which there
>> are plenty of compatible devices (again, ^5 VzW), and plenty of
>> compatible content (^5 ISOC, et al.), four months after World IPv6
>> Launch (in which they participated), and one month after their RIR ran
>> out of IPv4 addresses...launching without IPv6 support was a perfectly
>> natural and sensible thing for them to do, it seems.
>> *sigh*
>> -- 
>> Tore Anderson
>> Redpill Linpro AS -

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