Upgrade djbdns to support IPV6? Think there is a patch for it...


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On Oct 16, 2012, at 20:36, Joseph Anthony Pasquale Holsten
<jos...@josephholsten.com> wrote:

> I want to like IPv6. I do. But I'm seriously considering turning off IPv6 
> support from our servers.
> First off, I'm using djbdns internally and it doesn't support AAAA records. 
> So we really aren't using it internally.
> But today I noticed that we have a lot of traffic to our DNS cache, and 
> started to investigate. Turns out that every DNS request would start with one 
> for the AAAA record. Ah, no luck. Maybe you forgot the search domain? Let's 
> retry that DNS request with that tacked on. Failed again? Meanwhile, lets 
> simultaneously try for the AA record then. Repeat.
> I'm _this_ close to turning IPv6 off entirely. Anyone want to talk me off 
> this ledge?
> --
> http://josephholsten.com

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