On 12/5/2012 8:35 AM, Joe Greco wrote:
An end user operating a TOR exit node, or  wide open Wireless AP,
intentionally allows other people to connect  to their infrastructure
and the internet  whom  they have no relationship with or prior
dealings with, in spite of the possibility of network abuse or illegal
activities,    they choose to allow connectivity  without  first
gathering  information  required to hold the 3rd party responsible for
their activity.
Oh please.  I don't know where you've been hiding out for the last half
a decade or so, but around here, every McDonalds, Starbucks, Sam's Club,
Home Depot, Lowe's, and most libraries, hotels, hospitals, and
laundromats offer WiFi, and those are just the ones I can readily
think of.

The level of wishful-thinking implied by the quoted text about how the
Internet works is mind-boggling.

... JG

Yes, but THAT free WiFi is offered by responsible businesses. We certainly can't trust lowly citizens with such things. It would be chaos! The sky would fall, the world would end, and puppies would be kicked. No, such power should only be in the hands of those we trust.

- Pete

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