On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Blake Pfankuch <bl...@pfankuch.me> wrote:
> Ok, so this might be a little off topic but I am trying to validate something 
> a vendor is telling me and hoping some people here have expertise in this 
> area...
> I am working with a SSL certificate provider.  I am trying to purchase a 
> quantity of wildcard SSL certificates to cover about 60 FQDN's across 4 
> domains.  Vendor is telling me that the Wildcard certificates are licensed 
> per physical device it is installed on.  This means instead of using a single 
> wildcard across 20 servers, I would have to buy 20 wildcard certs for 20 
> servers.
> This does not compute in my brain and also in my mind completely defeats the 
> purpose of a wildcard cert as I know it.  Has anyone run into this before?
> Thanks
> Blake


Many vendors assign to a single IP address.  When you send your CSR it
is for one server only. Look at some of the public/free CAs to find
some unbiased info.  You could hide everything behind a
proxy/loadbalancer if you want.

~ Andrew "lathama" Latham lath...@gmail.com http://lathama.net ~

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