On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:51 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson <swm...@swm.pp.se> wrote:

> On Thu, 10 Jan 2013, Christopher Morrow wrote:
>>>        - rs232: please no.  it's 2013.  I don't want or need a protocol 
>>> which
>>> was designed for access speeds appropriate to the 1980s.
>> I don't think you can get ethernet and transport out-of-the-area in
>> some places at a reasonable cost, so having serial-console I think is
>> still a requirement.
> I don't understand this argument.
> Are you connecting your CON directly to something that transports it 
> out-of-the-area? Modem?

Yes, we have done this in a site with one device.

> If you have a consolerouter there with T1 interface as link to outside world, 
> what's wrong with having ethernet port from that T1 router to the ethernet 
> OOB port on the router needing OOB access, instead of having RS232 port on 
> them. It's cheaper and easier to cable ethernet compared to RS232. RS232 has 
> much shorter cable length compared to ethernet (9600 reaches 20 meters or so).

I certainly want to use something more modern, having run Xmodem to load images 
into devices or net-booted systems with very large images in the past…

I've seen all sorts of creative ways to do this (e.g.: DSL for OOB, 3G, private 
VPLS network via outside carrier).  It is a challenge in the modern network 
space.  Plus I have to figure that 9600 modems are going to be harder to find 
as time goes by.. at some point folks will stop making them. 

- Jared

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