On 08/01/13 9:06 AM, Ray Wong wrote:
The lack of customer service is, somewhat sadly, fairly
typical of Google's offerings. Once you get into dealings with
Google's actual business units it's a little better, but still always
a challenge to reach a human being who can actually give you straight
answers and simplify things. Actually, pretty typical IME of almost
every company that's run by the Tech people (top execs not
withstanding, they've always favored promoting/hiring techier people
to oversee pretty much everything... even sales types get the tech
screen interviews, just with lower grading standards) to forget how to
actually treat customers.


(Yes, I see the irony in that.)

I've been saying this about Google for years. This problem first became evident when gmail was still in beta, when major problems went unfixed for over a year, when gmail itself was still in beta almost 5 years after they went public with it. While Google is good at a lot of things, and very good at some things, they are horrible at customer service. I use Google for many things, but I don't RELY on them for much. I would be very cautious about relying on them as your sole source for a critical enterprise service like email spam filtering.


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