On Sat, 2 Feb 2013, Frank Bulk wrote:

Yes, but IP TV is not profitable on stand-alone basis -- it's just a
necessary part of the triple play.  A lot of the discussion has been about
Internet and network design, but not much about the other two "plays".

I don't know if that's true or not, but so what?

The concern was that providers would be unable to provide television services across this muni fiber infrastructure and that customers would demand triple play. I showed that they absolutely can provide this service by doing it across IP.

If a provider can't make money at it, then they don't have to provide it.

This whole exercise, I thought, was about removing the tyranny of the monopoly of the last mine so that these other innovations could take place in an open market.

And as far as the "other" triple play, it's even more well established that delivery of voice over IP can be done economically. Or do you need me to send you URLs of companies that do it to prove it?

-----Original Message-----
From: Brandon Ross [mailto:br...@pobox.com]
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2013 3:53 PM
To: Jay Ashworth
Subject: Re: Will wholesale-only muni actually bring the boys to your yard?

On Sat, 2 Feb 2013, Jay Ashworth wrote:

Perhaps I live in a different world, but just about all of the small to
midsize service providers I work with offer triple play today, and nearly
all of them are migrating their triple play services to IP.

Really.  Citations?  I'd love to see it play that way, myself.


South Central Rural Telephone
Glasgow, KY
Left side of page, "Digital TV service".  See this news article:


"He also reported that SCRTC is continuing to upgrade our services,
converting customers to the new IPTV service and trying to get as much
fiber optic cable built as possible."

Camellia Communications
Greenville, AL
Note the models of set-top boxes they are using are IP based

Griswold Cooperative Telephone
Griswold, IA

Farmer's Mutual Coopeative Telephone
Moulton, IA

Floyd, VA

How about a Canadian example you say?

Valcourt, QB
Check out the models of set-top boxes here too.

Oh, also, have you heard of ATT U-Verse?


"AT&T U-verse TV is the only 100 percent Internet Protocol-based
television (IPTV) service offered by a national service provider"

So even the likes of AT&T, in this scheme, could buy fiber paths to their
subs and provide TV service.  I'm pretty sure AT&T knows how to deliver
voice services over IP as well.

Do you want more examples?  I bet I can come up with 50 small/regional
telecom companies that are providing TV services over IP in North America
if I put my mind to it.

Brandon Ross                                      Yahoo & AIM:  BrandonNRoss
+1-404-635-6667                                                ICQ:  2269442
Schedule a meeting:  https://doodle.com/bross            Skype:  brandonross

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