On 13-02-04 19:48, Scott Helms wrote:

> same trench IF you have buried cable and there is room.  If you have aerial
> plant (common in rural telco deployments, less common in muni networks) you
> can also string your fiber on the same poles that you either own or have
> attachment rights to but the thickness of the cable doesn't change your
> costs any.

In Québec, some poles are owned by the telco and some by the electric
utility. They have a deal with each other to gain access to each other's
poles.  However, that deal still involves engineering studies to ensure
the weight of wiring/equipment on poles is acceptable.

And this is where stringning heavier 867 strand cable could possibly
make a difference compared to  stringing lighter 4 strands (or however
how many are used for GPON systems between OLT and splitter).

After the ice storm of 1998 here, they are a bit more careful about how
much weight they put on poles.

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