--- valdis.kletni...@vt.edu wrote:
The scary part is that so many things got hacked by a bunch of people
who made the totally noob mistake of launching all their attacks from
the same place....

This all seems to be noobie stuff.  There's nothing technically cool 
to see here.  All they do is spear phishing and, once the link is 
clicked, put in a backdoor that uses commonly available tools.  As 
I suspected earlier it's M$ against M$ only.  

The downside is nontechnical folks in positions of power often have 
sensitive data on their computers, only know M$ and don't have the 
knowledge to don't click on that "bank" email.

Technically, it was 74 pages of yawn.  Don't waste your time unless 
you're interested in how they found out where the attack was 
originating from and how they tied it to the .cn gov't.


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