
it seems that many large providers are using cloudmark services. As far as I 
can tell: their policy is unclear, they can hardly be reached, mails to support 
are bouncing (delayed, then bounce).

yes, the mailserver from one of our customers was blocked and this was OK and 
rightful, because they had a problem (cracked account). After the problem was 
resolved we started removing their IPv4 address from blacklists and almost all 
lists removed the ban immediately.

cloudmark CSI service (reset request form) wants a form to be filled ... and 
they claim that they send out an email ... but it doesn't make its way to my 
inbox (no, no filters ...)

and support can't be reached.

Where are the good old times when the 'net was controlled by techs and not by 

I can't recommend cloudmark.

greetings, martin

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