* Mikael Abrahamsson

> On Wed, 24 Apr 2013, Tore Anderson wrote:
>>> I have already read the news of blackmarket sales of network
>>> allocations in Europe.
>> Interesting. Do you have a link or some other kind of reference?
> <http://www.ripe.net/lir-services/resource-management/listing> is a
> "white market sales" place. Perhaps that's what the previous poster meant.
> Searching for "IPv4 broker" yields a lot of results as well, that might
> be the "black market" though.

"White market" transfers has been allowed in the RIPE region since late
2008, cf. http://www.ripe.net/ripe/policies/proposals/2007-08. There's
no requirement that the transferred space is put on the NCC's listing
service first - you can use a broker to arrange it if you want, or do it
completely in private.

For a transfer not to be "white", the transaction would need happen
without the NCC's knowing and blessing. This implies validations of the
receiver's operational need for the allocation, and updating the
registry/database to reflect the new holder. I'm genuinely interested in
reading articles or other research documenting that such "black market"
transfers are happening (or not).


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