On Sun, 19 May 2013, Christopher Morrow wrote:

On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 1:21 PM, vijay gill <vg...@vijaygill.com> wrote:
Resurrecting this thread. Anyone?
What software solution do people use for inventory management for things
like riser/conduit drawdown, fiber inventory, physical topology store,
CLR/DLR, x-connect, contracts, port inventory, etc.
Any experiences in integrating workflow into those packages for work
orders, modeling, drawdown levels, etc.

isn't it odd/lame that in many cases the answer to this is 'build your own' ?

I remember looking several years ago at a commercial fiber plant management application called Mapcom. It looked pretty good, but it was pricey, and no one wanted to spend the money on it. So... fast-forward to 2013.... and we're still using spreadsheets :(

I haven't looked lately to see what's out there, but I'd imagine there *has* to be something.

I can understand why many telcos ended up building their own systems, because many of them use(d) different or home-grown provisioning/billing/plant management/trouble ticketing systems, and different back-end systems in general, making a one-size-fits-all solution tough to do.


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