What hung the box? Core dump? Filled up var?
On May 23, 2013 11:57 AM, "Grant Ridder" <shortdudey...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Has anyone ever seen Mailman revert to an old user list?  This morning we
> had out lists VM pounded on from India and hung the box.  After blocking
> the ip on our firewall and rebooting the hung vm, everything came back up
> except 1 list.  The list appears to have reverted to old settings.  I found
> the config.pck file and it does not have the current settings in it.  This
> has happened once before.  The box is running Ubuntu 10.04 and Mailman
> 2.1.13.  Anyone know what would cause this and how to fix it?  We are
> working to try a file level restore from a backup.
> Thanks,
> Grant
> ~~~~~~~~~~
> Grant Ridder
> Assistant Systems Administrator
> Milwaukee School of Engineering <http://www.msoe.edu/>

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