Via PRIVACY Forum:

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> From: "PRIVACY Forum mailing list" <>

> Google moving to longer SSL keys
> (Google Online Security Blog)
> "This encryption needs to be updated at times to make it even
> stronger, so this year our SSL services will undergo a series of
> certificate upgrades-specifically, all of our SSL certificates
> will be upgraded to 2048-bit keys by the end of 2013. We will
> begin switching to the new 2048-bit certificates on August 1st, to
> ensure adequate time for a careful rollout before the end of the
> year. We're also going to change the root certificate that signs
> all of our SSL certificates because it has a 1024-bit key."
> - - -
> I will note, however, that given the fundamental weaknesses in the
> PKI -- especially relating to certificate authorities in general --
> even longer keys will not solve intrinsic problems that must be faced.
> --Lauren--
> Lauren Weinstein (
> _______________________________________________
> privacy mailing list

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink             
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates         2000 Land Rover DII
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