They use those very regularly.. There is a widely used model called the KV.

Sent from my Mobile Device.

-------- Original message --------
From: Jimmy Hess <>
Date: 06/08/2013 4:14 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: Måns Nilsson <>
Cc:,NANOG <>
Subject: Re: PRISM: NSA/FBI Internet data mining project

On 6/7/13, Måns Nilsson <> wrote:
> Subject: Re: PRISM: NSA/FBI Internet data mining project Date: Fri, Jun 07,
> 2013 at 12:25:35AM -0500 Quoting jamie rishaw (
>> <tinfoilhat>
>> Just wait until we find out dark and lit private fiber is getting
>> vampired.
>> </tinfoilhat>
> I'm not even assuming it, I'm convinced. In Sweden, we have a law,
> that makes what NSA/FBI did illegal while at the same time legalising,

Perhaps  strong crypto should be implemented on transceivers  at each
end of every link,  so users could be protected from that without
having to implement the crypto themselves at the application layer? :)


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