> "Yahoo does not provide the government with
> direct access to its servers, systems, or network."

Ah, so you admit that you provide "indirect" access by interposing a firewall 
and router between your datacenter network and the transport link to the NSA.  
That is just normal sound security practice when permitting third-party network 

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Petach [mailto:mpet...@netflight.com]
> Sent: Friday, 07 June, 2013 10:33
> Subject: Re: PRISM: NSA/FBI Internet data mining project
> On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Matthew Petach
> <mpet...@netflight.com>wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Jay Ashworth <j...@baylink.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Has fingers directly in servers of top Internet content companies,
> >> dates to 2007.  Happily, none of the companies listed are transport
> >> networks:
> >>
> >>
> >> http://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/us-intelligence-mining-
> data-from-nine-us-internet-companies-in-broad-secret-
> program/2013/06/06/3a0c0da8-cebf-11e2-8845-d970ccb04497_story.html
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> -- jra
> >> --
> >> Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink
> >> j...@baylink.com
> >> Designer                     The Things I Think
> >> 2100
> >> Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com         2000 Land
> >> Rover DII
> >> St Petersburg FL USA               #natog                      +1 727
> >> 647 1274
> >>
> >>
> >
> > I've always just assumed that if it's in electronic form,
> > someone else is either reading it now, has already read
> > it, or will read it as soon as I walk away from the screen.
> >
> > Much less stress in life that way.  ^_^
> >
> > Matt
> >
> >
> When I posted this yesterday, I was speaking somewhat
> tongue-in-cheek, because we hadn't yet made a formal
> statement to the press.  Now that we've made our official
> reply, I can echo it, and note that whatever fluffed up
> powerpoint was passed around to the washington post,
> it does not reflect reality.  There are no optical taps in
> our datacenters funneling information out, there are no
> sooper-seekret backdoors in the software that funnel
> information to the government.  As our formal reply
> stated: "Yahoo does not provide the government with
> direct access to its servers, systems, or network."
> I believe the other major players supposedly listed
> in the document have released similar statements,
> all indicating a similar lack of super-cheap government
> listening capabilities.
> Speaking just for myself, and if you quote me on this
> as speaking on anyone else's behalf, you're a complete
> fool, if the government was able to build infrastructure
> that could listen to all the traffic from a major provider
> for a fraction of what it costs them to handle that traffic
> in the first place, I'd be truly amazed--and I'd probably
> wonder why the company didn't outsource their infrastruture
> to the government, if they can build and run it so much
> more cheaply than the commercial providers.  ;P
> 7 companies were listed; if we assume the
> burden was split roughly evenly between them, that's
> 20M/7, about $2.85M per company per year to tap in,
> or about $238,000/month per company listed, to
> supposedly snoop on hundreds of gigs per second
> of data.  Two ways to handle it: tap in, and funnel
> copies of all traffic back to distant monitoring posts,
> or have local servers digesting and filtering, just
> extracting the few nuggets they want, and sending
> just those back.
> Let's take the first case; doing optical taps, or other
> form of direct traffic mirroring, carrying it untouched
> offsite to process; that's going to mean the ability to
> siphon off hundreds of Gbps per datacenter and carry
> it offsite for $238k/month; let's figure a major player
> has data split across at least 3 datacenters, so about
> $75K/month per datacenter to carry say 300Gbps of
> traffic.  It's pretty clearly going to have to be DWDM
> on dark fiber at that traffic volume; most recent
> quotes I've seen for dark fiber put it at $325/mile
> for already-laid-in-ground (new builds are considerably
> more, of course).  If we figure the three datacenters
> are split around just the US, on average you're going
> to need to run about 1500 miles to reach their central
> listening post; that's $49K/month just to carry the
> bitstream, which leaves you just about $25K/month
> to run the servers to digest that data; at 5c/kwhr, a
> typical server pulling 300 watts is gonna cost you $11/month
> to run; let's assume each server can process 2Gbps of
> traffic, constantly; 150 servers for the stream of 300Gbps
> means we're down to $22K for the rest of our support
> costs; figure two sysadmins getting paid $10k/month
> to run the servers (120k annual salary), and you've got
> just $2k for G&A overhead.
> That's a heck of an efficient operation they'd have to be
> running to listen in on all the traffic for the supposed
> budget number claimed.
> I'm late for work; I'll follow up with a runthrough of the
> other model, doing on-site digestion and processing
> later, but I think you can see the point--it's not realistic
> to think they can handle the volumes of data being
> claimed at the price numbers listed.  If they could,
> the major providers would already be doing it for
> much cheaper than they are today.  I mean, the
> Utah datacenter they're building is costing them
> $2B to build; does anyone really think if they're
> overpaying that much for datacenter space, they
> could really snoop on provider traffic for only
> $238K/month?
> More later--and remember, this is purely my own
> rampant speculation, I'm not speaking for anyone,
> on behalf of anyone, or even remotely authorized
> or acknowledged by any entity on this rambling,
> so please don't go quoting this anywhere else,
> it'll make you look foolish, and probably get me
> in trouble anyhow.  :(
> Matt

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