Last I heard NANOG stands for North American Network Operators Group.
Anti-American comments are not welcome here..


On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Jeroen Massar <> wrote:

> On 2013-06-13 13:01, david peahi wrote:
> > Apologies for making what could be construed as an off topic, political
> > comment, but doesn't everyone in the USA know by now that the PRC
> > represents a dagger aimed at the economic and national security of
> America?
> > A military invasion in slow motion as it were?
> Please realize that one can make that statement from every side of the
> fence.
> It all just depends on which side of the fence you are born, if you
> consider one thing "good" or "evil" and as recent events show, you
> should be looking a bit closer at the home base...
> And now after this whole flood of messages about this... lets please go
> back to operations, thanks!
> Greets,
>  Jeroen

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