
On Jun 26, 2013, at 11:18 AM, Joe Abley <> wrote:
>> We have a customer who was assigned some PI IPv4 space by Paetec back in 
>> mid-90's
> I think it's correct to say that the only entities that can assign PI IPv4 
> space are RIRs and the IANA.

Nope.  Historically, there was no distinction and people could (and did) 
sub-allocate address space with no terms of service indicating the address 
space should ever be returned.  After the establishment of the RIRs and the 
creation of the PI/PA distinction (encouraged with much controversy in the 
CIDR/ALE working group days), there was a concerted effort by the RIRs to move 
towards a "lease" model.  I believe that effort may have been reflected in RSAs 
at the RIRs, but am too lazy to look it up.  


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