Honestly, I think your hardware will be fine just like everyone else said
keep an eye on your hard drives they are by far the most sensitive.
Anything not mechanical if it didnt melt you're good.

One data center we had equipment in was 153F for about a week and all we
saw were drive failures and they were still fairly sparse. 1 out of 10 I
would say.


On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 11:07 PM, Jimmy Hess <mysi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 7/9/13, Erik Levinson <erik.levin...@uberflip.com> wrote:
> > For those who have gone through such events in the past, what can one
> expect
> > in terms of long-term impact...should we expect some premature component
> > failures? Does anyone have any stats to share?
> Realistically...  you had a single short-lived stress event.    There
> are likely to be some number of random component failures in the
> future.   It is unlikely that you will be able to attribute the
> failures to such a short lived stress event of that magnitude  --
> there might on average be a small increase over normal failure rates.
> The bigger concern,  may be that  /a lot of different components/
> could have been subject to the same kind of abuse at the same time:
> including  sets of components that are supposed to be in a redundant
> pair  and not fail simultaneously.
> I wouldn't necessarily be so concerned about premature failures ---
> I would be more concerned,  that you  may have redundant components
> that were exposed to the same stress event at the same time;    now
> the assumption that   their chances of failure are independent  may
> become more questionable   ---   the chance of a correlated failure in
> the future  might be greatly increased,     reducing the level of
> effective redundancy/risk reduction today.
> That would apply mainly to mechanical devices such as HDDs.
> > Thanks
> --
> -JH

Bryan Tong
Nullivex LLC | eSited LLC
(507) 298-1624

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