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Matt Baldwin wrote:
> While that would secure the connections from snooping if you're mailboxes
> are on Office 365 and those mailbox stores do not exits on an encrypted LUN
> then a service can easily read the Exchange database; anyone with server
> access can read mail across all mailboxes. In fact, Microsoft supports this
> type of setup with impersonation, e.g. a global user that can query any
> mailbox it has permissions to within Exchange. This is how some EWS
> integrated applications work. It wouldn't be that far fetched for the NSA
> to incorporate the same type of query to monitor the mailboxes -- even
> subscribing to change notifications so it only queries and collects when a
> new mail item has arrived. Additionally, Office 365 can simply create a
> journal rule and have all inbound / outbound mail journal to a location
> that makes it easier for snoops to look through the messages, e.g. an
> external SMTP endpoint, all without the end customers' knowledge.
> If anyone has any questions on Exchange they, too, can contact me off list.
> Just my 2-cents.

Any what's to say that email addresses at Office 365 aren't just mailing
lists where you get a copy and so does $FEDAGENCY.  That's how my kids'
email addresses work at home :-)

- -- 

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