
as probably many of you know, it's possible to create a "route" object
to RIPE database for an address space which is allocated outside the
RIPE region using the RIPE-NCC-RPSL-MNT maintainer object. For example
an address space is from APNIC or ARIN region and AS is from RIPE
region. For example a LIR in RIPE region creates a "route" object to
RIPE database for by Turner Broadcasting System)
prefix without having written permission from Turner Broadcasting
System and as this LIR uses up-link providers who create prefix
filters automatically according to RADb database entries, this ISP is
soon able to announce this prefix to Internet. This
should disturb the availability of the real network
on Internet? Has there been such situations in history? Isn't there a
method against such hijacking? Or have I misunderstood something and
this isn't possible?


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