And then you have other issues like networks that arbitrarily set DF on all
packets passing through them. That burnt a good three days of my life back
in the day.


On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 9:33 AM, <> wrote:

> On Tue, 27 Aug 2013 00:34:57 -0700, Owen DeLong said:
> > That's a lot of questions he didn't ask.
> This isn't your first rodeo.  You should know by now that the question
> actually asked, the question *meant* to be asked, and the question that
> actually needed answering are often 3 different things.
> > If I send a packet out as a legitimate series of fragments, what is the
> chance
> > that they will get dropped somewhere in the middle of the path between
> the
> > emitting host and the receiving host?
> > To my thinking, the answer to that question is basically "pretty close
> to 0 and
> > if that changes in the core, very bad things will happen."
> Saku Ytti and Emile Aben have numbers that say otherwise.  And there must
> be a significantly bigger percentage of failures than "pretty close to 0",
> or Path MTU Discovery wouldn't have a reputation of being next to useless.

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