On Aug 27, 2013, at 5:11 PM, "Eric Louie" <elo...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Tier 1 = Internet backbone providers (United States - AT&T, UUNET, Sprint,
> AboveNet/Zayo, Cogent, Qwest/CenturyLink, L3/GBLX).  However, I might be
> better served with a Tier 2 for reachability as pointed out in another

You may want to revise your list, and look at the 3rd parties that measure and 
rank this data.


You are missing a few networks that are important.  Much of what someone 
considers a "major network" IMHO depends on how you scope them.  Maybe you 
don't care about things not on your continent.  Maybe you don't mind having a 
different ASN in Asia/Europe.  Maybe you don't need to connect in Australia 
with the same routing policy.

The real answer is "it depends", and your criteria may not be the same as 
someone else.

- Jared

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