+1 I couldn't have said it any better.

On 2013-09-06 10:27, Naslund, Steve wrote:
The error in this whole conversation is that you cannot "take it
back" as an engineer.  You do not own it.  You are like an architect
or carpenter and are no more responsible for how it is used than the
architect is responsible that the building he designed is being used
as a crack house.  Do Ford engineers have a "social contract" to
ensure that I do not run over squirrels with my Explorer, will they
"take it back" if I do so?  The whole "social contract" argument is
ridiculous.  You have a contract (or most likely an "at will"
agreement") with your employer to build what they want and operate it
in the way that they want you to.  If it is against your ethics to do
so, quit.  The companies that own the network have a fiduciary
responsibility to their investors and a responsibility to serve their
customers.  If anyone is really that bent out of shape by the NSA
tactics (and I am not so sure they are given the lack of political
backlash) here is what you can do.

In the United States there are two main centers of power that can
affect these policies, the consumer and the voter.

1.  We vote in a new executive branch every four years.  They control
and appoint the NSA director.  Vote them out if you don't like how
they run things.  Do you think a President wants to maintain power?
Of course they do and they will change a policy that will get them
tossed out (if enough people actually care).

2.  The Congress passes the laws that govern telecom and intelligence
gathering.  They also have the power to impeach and/or prosecute the
executive branch for misdeeds.  They will pass any law or do whatever
it takes to keep themselves in power.  Again this requires a lot of
public pressure.

3.  The companies that are consenting to monitoring (legal or
illegal) are stuck between two powers. The federal government's power to regulate them and the investors / consumers they serve. Apparently
they are more scared of the government even though the consumer can
put them out of business overnight by simply not using their product
any more.  If everyone cancelled their gmail accounts, stopped using
Google search, and stopped paying for Google placement and ads, their
stock would go to zero nearly overnight.  Again, no one seems to care
about the issue enough to do this because I have seen no appreciable
backlash against these companies.

If a social contract exists at all in the United States, it would be
to hold your government and the companies you do business with to your
ethical standards.  Another things to remember is that the NSA
engineers were probably acting under their "social contract" to defend the United States from whatever enemies they are trying to monitor and also felt they were doing the "right thing". The problem with "social
contracts" is that they are relative.

As far as other countries are concerned, you can affect their
policies as well.  US carriers are peered with and provide transit to
Chinese companies. If the whole world is that outraged with what they do, they just need to pressure the companies they do business with not
to do business with China.

Steven Naslund
Chicago IL

-----Original Message-----
From: Jorge Amodio [mailto:jmamo...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: The US government has betrayed the Internet. We need to
take it back

> The US government has betrayed the Internet. We need to take it back

> >
> Who is we ?

If you bothered to read the 1st paragraph you would know.

I read all of it, the original article and other references to it.

IMHO, there is no amount of engineering that can fix stupid people
doing stupid things on both sides of the stupid lines.

By trying to fix what is perceived an engineering issue (seems that
China doing the same or worse for many years wasn't an engineering
problem) the only result you will obtain is a budget increase on the
counter-engineering efforts, that may represent a big chunk of money
that can be used in more effective ways where it is really needed.

My .02

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