On 2013-10-09, at 10:10, Chris Adams <c...@cmadams.net> wrote:

> Once upon a time, Blair Trosper <blair.tros...@gmail.com> said:
>> True, but the location information, at least the state, is quasi-helpful.
> That's another good reason to have reverse records for defined router
> interfaces.  Auto-generated reverse for eveything doesn't give any
> useful info though.

If people really want to use generic reverse names and have realised that the 
v6 address space is much too big for $GENERATE, one approach is to delegate the 
appropriate zones to a custom nameserver that can auto-generate PTRs on demand. 
There are scaling problems here, but probably nothing that can't be fixed with 
high TTLs and multiple nameservers.

If I was doing that, my instinct would be to code against Ray Bellis' evldns 
(see <http://code.google.com/p/evldns/>).

Note that I'm not suggesting that auto-generated v6 PTRs (or v4 PTRs) are a 
good idea. But I'm aware that a lack of reverse DNS on either protocol can make 
the helpdesk phone ring, so there is certainly a pragmatic argument in favour 
of it.


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