Message: 2
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 18:47:09 -0800
From: David Birdsong <da...@imgix.com>
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: telnet into a netgear switch?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hey all, last night while at the datacenter I was in a pinch to extend a
rack's LAN. I compromised and ran out to the local Fry's to buy whatever
switch I could find so as to allow some configuration to happen while
we wait for the real network gear to show up.

I left before confirming I could access the switch remotely; it was very
late and I was pretty groggy and hey, any network gear has to be
telnet'table this day and age. Of course I was mostly wrong.

The switch expects some signed payload before allowing a telnet through. I
found this: https://code.google.com/p/netgear-telnetenable/...but I'm
having a hell of a time getting anything to respond.

The most confounding part is the switch doesn't respond to a single SYN
packet on low ports. I'm scanning all the ports now, but if nothing shows
up, I'm not sure what a payload is good for if the switch doesn't ACK a
single SYN.

I'm curious if anybody's got any tips besides not using Netgear in the

I have the MAC, I've IP'd it via DHCP, and the model number: JGS524E and I
can power cycle the switch as much as needed.

P.S. long time listener, first time caller. i'm more of a sysadmin
dangerously standing in for a proper network person.

Seems to me that you need to use their "Switch Configuration Utility" to
manage the switch.  I didn't read all the documentation, but that is what
jumps out at me after a brief look.  Maybe it will allow you to enable
telnet or ssh from there.  See the following link:



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