On Fri, 29 Nov 2013 08:39:59 -0500, Rob Seastrom <r...@seastrom.com> wrote:
So there really is no excuse on AT&T's part for the /60s on uverse 6rd...

Except for a) greed ("we can *sell* larger slices") and b) demonstrable user want/need.

How many residential, "home networks", have you seen with more than one subnet? The typical household (esp Uverse) doesn't even customize the provided router. Even a CCIE friend of mine has made ZERO changes to his RG -- AT&T turned off WiFi and added the static block at install. (I know NANOG is bad sample as we're all professionals and setup all kinds of weird configurations at "home". I have 3 nets in continuous use... a legacy public subnet from eons ago (I never renumbered), an RFC1918 subnet overlapping that network (because it's too small), and a second RFC1918 net from a second ISP)

I wouldn't use the word "generous", but a /60 (16 "LAN"s) is way more than what 99% of residential deployments will need for many years. We've gotten by with a single, randomly changing, dynamic IP for decades. Until routers come out-of-the-box setup for a dozen networks, non-networking pros aren't going to need it, or even know that it's possible. (and the default firewalling policy in Windows is going to confuse a lot of people when machines start landing in different subnets can "see" each other.)

Handing out /56's like Pez is just wasting address space -- someone *is* paying for that space. Yes, it's waste; giving everyone 256 networks when they're only ever likely to use one or two (or maybe four), is intentionally wasting space you could've assigned to someone else. (or **sold** to someone else :-)) IPv6 may be huge to the power of huge, but it's still finite. People like you are repeating the same mistakes from the early days of IPv4... the difference is, we won't be around when people are cursing us for the way we mismanaged early allocations. Indeed, a /64 is too little (aka "bare minimum") and far too restrictive, but it works for most simple (default) setups today. Which leads to DHCPv6 PD... a /60 is adequate -- it's the minimal space for the rare cases where multiple nets are desirable or necessary. The option for /56 or even /48 should exist (esp. for "business"), but the need for such large address spaces are an EXCEPTION in residential settings. (and those are probably non-residential users anyway.) [FWIW, HE.net does what they do as marketing. And it works, btw.]

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