In message <>, Lee Howard writes:
> On 12/3/13 7:14 PM, "Mark Andrews" <> wrote:
> >
> >In message <>, Nikolay Shopik writes:
> >> On 03/12/13 02:54, Owen DeLong wrote:
> >> > I have talked to my bean counters. We give out /48s to anyone who
> >>wants them and we don't charge for IPv6 add
> >> ress space.
> >> 
> >> There is some ISP who afraid their users will be reselling their
> >> connectivity to other users around. While I didin't see that in years
> >> (probably last time in 2005) but still this exist in poor regions.
> >
> >And if they didn't resell it they probably wouldn't have a customer
> >in the first place.  Unless you offer "unlimited" plans the ISP
> >isn't losing anything here.  The bandwidth being used is being paid
> >for.  If it isn't the ISP needs to adjust the price points to cover
> >their costs rather than hoping that people won't use all of the
> >bandwidth they have purchased.
> It seems that, especially in the U.S., consumers don't like paying per-bit.
> That was true with per-minute for voice, too.
> You are free to be unhappy about consumer behavior.

Customers like to know what there bill will be at the end of each
month and not suffer from bill shock.  There are lots of ways to
provide that.

For instance I pay $85 for 120G per month + telephone with a rate
limited connection if I go over that.  I can pay more or less and
change the amount of traffic I get before it becomes rate limited.

I get warnings at various tigger points.  I can see my total and
daily usage of the month.

In the US you still pay $XX for YYYG and then get rate limited.
You call this unlimited and you don't know what YYY is and it changes
from month to month.

> >> Other than that, completely agree on /56y default and /48 on request,
> >> but most ISPs here are give-out just single /64.
> >
> >Which is just plain stupid.
> You are also free to run your network as you choose. Getting upset about
> how other people run their networks is not going to improve the world.

Actually it is.  Developers need to design for their products to
work in the real world.  Getting realistic minimums provided
everywhere is useful.  People need to be told when they are doing
something that is bad for the general community and only supplying
a single /64 is bad for the general community as it is outside the
design choices that were made when developing IPv6.

> Lee
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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