+1 for Brocade MLXe. Used on our edge and *knock on wood* have not had any 
issues with it ever. Full BGP routing table, multiple VRFs, QoS / bandwidth 

We also have a few Brocade CER series routers, which are awesome as well for 
metro edge. And for political reasons a bunch of Cisco Nexus/Cat4500 gear in 
the core...


-----Original Message-----
From: Elliot Finley [mailto:efinley.li...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 2:29 PM
Cc: nanog list
Subject: Re: What routers do folks use these days?

+1 for Brocade MLXe.  Good Price. Good stuff.  Good TAC.

On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 1:19 AM, Fredy Kuenzler <kuenz...@init7.net> wrote:

> Am 29.11.2013 06:37, schrieb Jawaid Desktop:
> > We're a service provider, and we have a network full of Cat6509's.
> > We are finding that we are outgrowing them from the standpoint of 
> > their ability to handle lots of large routing tables. Obviously 
> > their switching capability is still superb but one of them with 20 
> > peers is starting to groan a bit and RAM is going to be an issue 
> > soon.
> >
> > What do people use these days? Our backbone needs in the next 2-3 
> > years are going to be sub-100Gbps.
> Check the Brocade MLXe series. We (Init7 / AS13030) are using them and 
> the previous XMR series for years and are happy with it. CLI is 
> Cisco-look-and-feel, the software tree has a clear structure (unlike 
> Cisco with hundreds of versions) and the TAC is willing to ssh into 
> your gear to assist.
> --
> Fredy Kuenzler
> Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd.
> AS13030
> St. Georgen-Strasse 70
> CH-8400 Winterthur
> Twitter: @init7 / @kuenzler
> http://www.init7.net/

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