On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 10:13:38PM -0500, Christopher Morrow wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 10:06 PM, David Hubbard
> <dhubb...@dino.hostasaurus.com> wrote:
> > We have fios for some office locations and can't get jack out of our
> > sales rep; just the same well it's being tested bs.  It's as if the only
> ... snip...
> > Fios folks have absolutely no clue.  It's really quite annoying.  Even a
> > wait 24 months would be better than nothing at all.
> I think the word you are looking for here is 'shameful', not 'annoying'.

   The only luck I've had with IPV6 on FIOS is via he.net :(   You would think 
in 2014
they would have their act together, even Comcast has deployed it pretty widely.

Bryan G. Seitz

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