On Jan 15, 2014, at 12:05 AM, Saku Ytti <s...@ytti.fi> wrote:

> (We do BCP38 on all ports and verify programmatically, but I know it's not at 
> all practical solution globally for access).

Anti-spoofing is eminently practical for most types of access network 
topologies using even slightly modern equipment; uRPF, ACLs, cable IP source 
verify, DHCP Snooping (which works just fine with fixed-address hosts), 
PACLs/VACLs, et. al. are some of the more prevalent mechanisms available.

In point of fact, anti-spoofing is most useful and most practical at the 
access-network edge, or as close to it as possible.

Roland Dobbins <rdobb...@arbor.net> // <http://www.arbornetworks.com>

          Luck is the residue of opportunity and design.

                       -- John Milton

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