On Wed, 15 Jan 2014, Eric Krichbaum wrote:

I 100% agree with Nick. But, in dealing with Level3, you need Level3 Members Remarks in your objects to deal with multiple registries etc. They have an ok system that is a nightmare to pull from different datasources with them and they've churned the ultimately responsible individual a few times which makes it tough to get someone knowledgeable. Larry and team however at RADB will respond to remove your entries from someone else's stale records without much hassle.

Cogent will use your IRR data to generate a list the first time but they don't have a clue when it comes to keeping up to date.

The underlying problem is that there is incentive to enter objects (or have them entered for you) but none to remove old/stale/incorrect objects.

Also, at least of the ones I've dealt with, there is no verification of records as they're entered. If your ASN/IPs are not already there, anyone can put them in under their own maintainer object. Since some providers do use IRR data to build and maintain customer prefix filters, it's not unusual for service providers to put customer ASNs/IPs into an IRR on behalf of their customers...and when the customer leaves, there's really no incentive to clean up and remove the objects.

 Jon Lewis, MCP :)           |  I route
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