On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 7:07 PM, Paul Ferguson <fergdawgs...@mykolab.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> So basically they are charging $1800 for 'Registrar Lock'?
> Opt-in or Opt-out, it's still way expensive...

is it though? is it REALLY??

What's the cost for a lost domain for ~1 day while you try to haggle
with netsol (good luck!) on the phone to recover your domain? (for
someone who actually makes money on the internet I mean..
fergdawg.com.net.org.com doesn't count for this conversation :) )

I suppose they COULD move their domain to a registrar that does
registrar-lock for 'free', but that's a cost too, right? man power,
configuration mistakes, other billing things to setup... 1800 might be
'ok' for someone who's making a bunch of money/day. right?

and heck... if netsol gets 10 people to buy it they probably paid for
the work to actually do the 'registrar lock' right? :)

> On 1/22/2014 3:49 PM, Jay Farrell wrote:
>> Updated:
>> http://domainnamewire.com/2014/01/22/web-com-weblock-program-will-be-opt-in-not-opt-out/
>>  --quote-- In an interview with Domain Name Wire today, Web.com COO
>> Jason Teichman said the program will actually be opt-in, and no one
>> will be charged for the service unless they agree to add it.
>> “Candidly, we did not do a good job in wording that [email],”
>> Teichman said. “Every one of those customers is getting a call.
>> It’s not our intention to enroll anyone in a program they don’t
>> want.”
>> Web.com plans to offer the service to its top 1% of customers
>> according to domain traffic, value of brands, etc. That’s about
>> 30,000 customers in all. It started by notify just 49 customers “so
>> we can crawl our way into it,” Teichman said.
>> --end quote--
>> On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 5:57 PM, Jay Hennigan <j...@west.net>
>> wrote:
>>> On 1/22/14 10:03 AM, Jay Ashworth wrote:
>>>> Brent Simmons is not given to ridiculous overreaction, nor is
>>>> Lauren.
>>>> If you have domains registered with NetSol's registrar, it
>>>> seems you should probably do your diligence on this yourself:
>>>> http://inessential.com/2014/01/21/network_solutions_auto-enroll_1_850
> Holy cow!  At first I figured a typo and it was supposed to be $18.50.
>>> There are less ridiculous ways to go out of business. Simply
>>> announce that you don't want to be a registrar any more and turn
>>> out the lights.
>>> I'd love to be a fly on the wall for the phone call from their
>>> credit card processor regarding chargeback percentage about three
>>> weeks after this hits.  Popcorn required for sure.
>>> -- Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering -
>>> j...@impulse.net Impulse Internet Service  -
>>> http://www.impulse.net/ Your local telephone and internet company
>>> - 805 884-6323 - WB6RDV
> - --
> Paul Ferguson
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