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On 2/4/2014 2:18 PM, John Levine wrote:

>>>> If just three of the transit-free networks rewrote their
>>>> peering contracts such that there was a $10k per day penalty
>>>> for sending packets with source addresses the peer should
>>>> reasonably have known were forged, this problem would go away
>>>> in a matter of weeks.
>>> Won't work because no one will sign that contract.
> Oh, right, how hard can it be to put a bell on that pesky cat?
> I was at a conference with people from some Very Large ISPs.  They 
> told me that many of their large customers absolutely will not let 
> them do BCP38 filtering.  ("If you don't want our business, we can 
> find someone else who does.")  The usual problem is that they have
> PA space from two providers and for various reasons, not all of
> which are stupid, traffic with provider A's addresses sometimes
> goes out through provider B.  Adding to the excitement, some of
> these customers are medium sized ISPs with multihomed customers of
> their own.
> I don't know BGP well enough to know if it's possible to send out 
> announcements for this situtation, this address range is us, but
> don't route traffic to it.  Even if it is, not all of the customers
> do BGP, some are just stub networks.
> If we could figure out a reasonable way (i.e., one that the
> customers might be willing to implement) to handle this, it'll make
> BCP38 a lot more doable.

BCP84? :-)

- - ferg

- -- 
Paul Ferguson
VP Threat Intelligence, IID
PGP Public Key ID: 0x54DC85B2

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