Not working in the Internet access business but as Internet citizen
this sounds interesting.

You would need some motivations to make ISPs register and perhaps some
kind of validation in the future. But as initial step it sounds cool.


On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 10:16 AM, Andrei Robachevsky
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Jared Mauch wrote on 1/28/14 9:03 PM:
>> I'd rather share some data and how others can observe this to determine how 
>> we can approach a fix.  Someone spoofing your IP address out some other 
>> carrier is something you may be interested to know about, even if you have a 
>> non-spoofing network.
> At the Internet Society we are flashing out an idea of an anti-spoofing
> "movement", where ISPs can list themselves as not spoofing-capable on
> our website. The requirement is that they can demonstrate that they
> block spoofed packets, for instance by successfully running the Spoofer
> test. I think your, Jared, test can add to this picture.
> Sort of a positive spin on the name and shame technique.
> It is not ideal, as one test is not a real proof of such capability, but
> might help raising awareness, at least. Does this sound as something
> that can be useful and fly?

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