I think it would be just as easy to claim that breaking the end-to-end model is 
more of a security concern that lack of NAT.  Having the NAT is essentially 
condoning a permanent man-in-the-middle.  A lot of customers do believe that 
NAT adds to their security.  I would advise them however that it probably 
offers a lot less than they think.  It is a very common technique get an inside 
computer to establish a connection out to a bad host.  That's how most of the 
malware today works (through the "extra layer of defense that NAT provides),so 
I am not seeing how much worse IPv6 would make things.  If you are going to 
allow inbound connections to your internal machines from anywhere you are 
unsecure.  How hard is it to block inbound connections with a firewall?  If the 
user cannot accomplish that then there is not much we can do to save them.

I suppose NAT could add some sort of minimal additional assurance but if you 
cannot pull off a simple firewall or routing policy you are already unable to 
adequately secure your network.

I see no technical reason that someone could not implement a transparent proxy 
whether it is v4 or v6.  It does not really violate the end-to-end model 
because the proxy connects to the remote system and the local system connects 
to the proxy so there really is not an end-to-end connection as much as there 
are two separate connections.  For that matter, is there really a technical 
reason that you could not do a NAT if you wanted to with IPv6?  All we are 
really talking about here is replacing one address with another.  Could you not 
get something similar by translating a routable IPv6 address to a link local 
address?  I don't think I would want to but I suppose you could if you are 
really married to NAT and private addressing.

I, for one, will not miss NAT very much.  I have seen quite a few misconfigured 
NATs and holes being punched through firewalls because applications don't like 
NATs to believe that they are at least as much trouble as they are worth as a 
security feature.

Steven Naslund

-----Original Message-----
From: William Herrin [mailto:b...@herrin.us] 
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 11:21 AM
To: Karl Auer
Cc: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Re: misunderstanding scale

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 3:00 AM, Karl Auer <ka...@biplane.com.au> wrote:
> Addressable is not the same as
> accessible; routable is not the same as routed.

Indeed. However, all successful security is about _defense in depth_.
If it is inaccessible, unrouted, unroutable and unaddressable then you have 
four layers of security. If it is merely inaccessible and unrouted you have two.

Bill Herrin

William D. Herrin ................ her...@dirtside.com  b...@herrin.us
3005 Crane Dr. ...................... Web: <http://bill.herrin.us/> Falls 
Church, VA 22042-3004

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