Barry Shein wrote:
I think the problem is simply a lack of competition and the rise of,
in effect, vertical trusts. That is, content providers also
controlling last-mile services.

What exists is rife with conflict of interest and unfair market
power. Particularly in that wire-plants are generally protected
monopolies or small-N oligopolies.

The wire-plant* operators and content providers need to be separated
and competition needs to be mandated by allowing easy and fair access
to wire-plants.

Wire-plant operators should be closely regulated. Content providers
should not, in general, be regulated.

* Which of course may not involve any actual wires but it's a term of
art, L1/L2 if you prefer.

I kind of think Layer 3 - metropolitan area IP carriage seems to be where the issues converge. Somehow the notion of multiple IP providers, operating across unbundled fiber, doesn't seem to work out in practice.

Yes, there are a few municipal networks that provide Ethernet VPNs as the basic block of unbundled service - with multiple players providing various Internet (IP), video, and voice services on their own VPNs; and there are some networks, particularly in Canada, where the unit of unbundling is a wavelength, on a common fiber/conduit plant; but in most cases, economies of scale seem to dictate a single IP-layer fabric for a geographic area. (Think campus and enterprise networks.)

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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