pmacct ( is another pretty awesome open source tool.


On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Avi Freedman <> wrote:
> There's also SiLK from CMU.  It's powerful but has a learning curve.
> I also see pmacct being used both by some end networks and by
> some vendors as part of systems.
> Avi
>> Hey There,
>> I was just wondering, for people who are doing netflow analysis with
>> open source tools and who are doing at least 10k or more flows per
>> second, what are you using?
>> I know of three tool sets:
>> - The classic osu flow-tools and the modern continuation/fork.
>> - ntop
>> - nfdump/nfsen
>> Is there anything else I've missed? A few folks here really seem to like
>> nfsen/nfdump.
>> Thanks,
>> Matt

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