You mean consume electricity in  cpu cycles on the end devices and all the
network middleboxes in between all over the world/Internet  for dud data?
For what? Just to stop a debate instead of resolving it thought
intellectual brainstorming? For one thing it will slow down the TCP
connections as ACKs incur a longer RTT. Then there is the whole question of
managing and lowering  power consumption as a green initiative, and
capacity issues are yet another thing.


On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Matthew Petach <>wrote:

> There's been a whole lot of chatter recently
> about whether or not it's sensible to require
> balanced peering ratios when selling heavily
> unbalanced services to customers.
> There's a very simple solution, it seems.
> Just have every website, every streaming
> service, every bit of consumable internet
> data have built-in reciprocity.
> You want to stream a movie?  No problem;
> the video player opens up a second data
> port back to a server next to the streaming
> box; its only purpose is to accept a socket,
> and send all bits received on it to /dev/null.
> The video player sends back an equivalent
> stream of data to what is being received in.
> The server receiving the upstream data stream
> checks the bitrate coming into it from the player,
> and communicates back to the video streaming
> box every few minutes to lower the outbound
> bitrate going to the player to match what the
> inbound bitrate coming from the client is.
> That way, traffic volumes stay nicely balanced,
> and everyone is happy.  For extra credit, and
> to deal with multiple layers of NAT in the v4
> world, you could even piggyback on the same
> stream, though that would take just a bit more
> work.
> Mobile apps could be programmed the same
> way; you download a certain amount of data,
> an equivalent volume of data is sent back
> upstream to balance it out, and preserve
> the holy ratio.  Even web pages could use
> javascript footers to send back upstream an
> equivalent amount of data to what was
> downloaded.
> Once and for all, we could put an end to
> the ceaseless bickering about ratios, as
> everyone, everywhere would be forced
> into glorious unity, a perfect 1:1 ratio
> wherever the eye should look.
> As far as I can tell, this should solve
> *everyone's* concerns from all sides,
> all in one simple effort.
> Matt


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