The last time I asked them, F-root had a "we allow it because it's the right thing to do but we don't like it" policy. Given that ICANN operates an infrastructure purposely built for doing zone transfers, and given that they offer more zones than are on the roots, that's the way I recommend people go. YMMV.


On 05/20/2014 10:42 PM, Mehmet Akcin wrote:
F-root also allows you to axfr root-zone ( dig . axfr )

On May 20, 2014, at 10:32 PM, Doug Barton <> wrote:

Signed PGP part
On 05/20/2014 02:21 PM, Brandon Applegate wrote:
| Is anyone using this and having failed login for a few days now ?
I?ve been mirroring the root zone(s) for years and I just started
getting failures in my logs.  I emailed an address I found on the
Verisign website but so far dead air.  If anyone knows of a more pointed
email POC that would actually have clue about this that would be awesome.

You can slave the root and more directly from ICANN:

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