Short answer,

Yes .. provided you don't care if anyone can see it.

Take a look at what NEW.NET tried with DNS back in the day.


Michael Holstein
Cleveland State University
From: NANOG <> on behalf of stovetop 202 
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2014 7:45 PM
Subject: short, two part question ICANN Vs. The World

Topic: ICANN Vs. The World.

The question at hand is.. Do countries/businesses have to affiliate or utilize 
any of those services provided by ICANN other than the assignment of an IP 
address?  And can you get away with LAN/CAN/MAN stand-alone systems [instead of 
utilizing DNS-via-ICANN]??
Is it legal to cut off those DNS systems and loop in backwards?  (instead of 
bidirectional).  **  I don't want my city/schools/other systems hooked into the 
World Wide Web. // someone let me know when you get a chance.

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