On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 6:49 PM, Paul S. <cont...@winterei.se> wrote:
> For all intents and purposes, it actually does work fine -- yeah.
> I've got a few friends who bought it, it seems to work fine.

This is way off topic, but ....

This topic was covered back in the beginning of the year at:


and the followup at:


The conclusion (in the case) was that for devs, the
goods outweigh the bads.  As always, your mileage
will vary, and some settling occurred during transport.

Note, too that Dell, Asus, and Lenovo have newer 4K
models out there that address some of the issues
(I have explicitly tried to avoid finding the reviews because
I do not want to be forced, forced I say, to buy
a 4K monitor).

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