Joly MacFie wrote:
On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 7:04 AM, Rich Kulawiec <> wrote:

Telecommuting should not be a rare exception: it should be the default.
And "corporate headquarters" should be as small and inexpensive as
staffed (in person) only by a handful of people -- if even that.

Automattic (WordPress) works like that.

There's a book about it.

Funny thing. A place I'm working now (not as a sysadmin, though) builds intelligent transportation systems for buses (dispatch systems, passenger information, and the like) - half of us are spread all over the place. A lot of us live pretty far from the home office, and spend most of our time working from home; then there are all the folks on the road doing sales; and the deployment teams working on-site at customer locations. About the only folks who are actually in the office a lot are the design engineers and the folks who build hardware.

Works pretty well - though proposals get kind of interesting (which is what I mostly do these days). The problem isn't so much remoteness (email, audio bridges, and webex work well enough) - it's finding blocks of time for meetings - everyone is juggling too many things - kind of organizational ADHD. Personally, I think there's a lot to be said for actually having everybody in the same physical place - makes those impromptu hallway conversations a lot easier.



In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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