The only actual residential data I can offer is my own. I am fully dual stack 
and about 40% of my traffic is IPv6. I am a netflix subscriber, but also an 
amazon prime member.

I will say that if amazon would get off the dime and support IPv6, it would 
make a significant difference. 

Other than amazon and my financial institutions and Kaiser, living without IPv4 
wouldn't actually pose a hardship as near as I can tell from my day without v4 
experiment on June 6. 

I know Kaiser is working on it. Amazon apparently recently hired Yuri Rich to 
work on their issues. So that would leave my financial institutions. 

I think we are probably less than 5 years from residential IPv4 becoming a 
service that carries a surcharge, if available. 


> On Jul 29, 2014, at 22:42, Julien Goodwin <> wrote:
>> On 29/07/14 22:22, Owen DeLong wrote:
>>> On Jul 29, 2014, at 4:13 PM, Mark Andrews <> wrote:
>>> In message <>, Matt Palmer writes:
>>>>> On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 09:28:53AM +1200, Tony Wicks wrote:
>>>>> 2. IPv6 is nice (dual stack) but the internet without IPv4 is not a viable
>>>>> thing, perhaps one day, but certainly not today (I really hate clueless
>>>>> people who shout to the hills that IPv6 is the "solution" for today's
>>>>> internet access)
>>>> Do you have IPv6 deployed and available to your entire customer base, so
>>>> that those who want to use it can do so?  To my way of thinking, CGNAT is
>>>> probably going to be the number one driver of IPv6 adoption amongst the
>>>> broad customer base, *as long as their ISP provides it*.
>>> Add to that over half your traffic will switch to IPv6 as long as
>>> the customer has a IPv6 capable CPE.  That's a lot less logging you
>>> need to do from day 1.
>> That would be nice, but I’m not 100% convinced that it is true.
>> Though it will be an increasing percentage over time.
>> Definitely a good way of reducing the load on your CGN, with the additional 
>> benefit
>> that your network is part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
> Being on the content provider side I don't know the actual percentages
> in practice, but in the NANOG region you've got Google/Youtube, NetFlix,
> Akamai & Facebook all having a significant amount of their services v6
> native.
> I'd be very surprised if these four together weren't a majority of any
> consumer-facing network's traffic in peak times.

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