On 8/29/14, 9:08 AM, "Randy Bush" <ra...@psg.com> wrote:

>considering that measured rpki registration (which has a very tragic
>side) is ten time ipv6 penetration, i think we ask for rpki first.

WG] I guess I should know better than to ask rhetorical questions on
NANOG, lest I get an answer.
The horse race to determine the fastest lame horse is a rather boring one
to watch, but unless you're counting how many ASNs have IPv6 allocations
(whether they're using them or not) as a measure of IPv6 penetration,
counting RPKI registrations as penetration doesn't lead to a useful
comparison. Number of ASNs doing *validation* and discarding invalid
routes (especially among top transit N ASNs by reach) would be far more
telling as a measure of penetration, since it directly impacts RPKI's
relative effectiveness at preventing hijacks such as the original poster
was experiencing.

>but keep shoveling.  it's a good week for twt.
WG] Randy, if you're going to try to poke me in the eye about an outage in
lieu of a snappy comeback, the least you could do is get my company's name
right. ;-) It'll be in the stupidly long disclaimer at the bottom of this
message for future reference, but it's in the first sentence, so you don't
even have to read the whole thing.


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