Be careful about the new rules that were put into place in the spring. My 
experience is that resellers are still promoting "consumer" devices for use in 
commercial buildings which is now a no-no. Under the new regulation, consumer 
devices are to be used only for individuals in their home, car, RV, boat, etc..

Industrial signal boosters are the only allowed non-grandfathered devices to be 
used in buildings. They have to be installed by certified installers and 
require a FCC license under the new regulations. The new fines are steep at 
$100,000 an instance, so the wireless providers really have a hold of the FCC.

Matthew Huff             | 1 Manhattanville Rd
Director of Operations   | Purchase, NY 10577
OTA Management LLC       | Phone: 914-460-4039
aim: matthewbhuff        | Fax:   914-694-5669

-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of John Schiel
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: OT - Verizon/ATT Cell/4G Signal Booster/Repeater

On 12/15/2014 07:45 PM, Ray Van Dolson wrote:

One thing you might also want to consider are any calls you make to 911 
whilst using a repeater.

I use a repeater supplied by T-Mobile and they made it very clear, and I 
had to specifically acknowledge a statement, that using such a repeater 
takes away from emergency services being able to find out where you are 
if you make a 911 call from your mobile.

Some may refer to this as a feature, depending on how much tin foil you 
have laying about, but the users of such device may need to be warned 
about emergency calls.  They'll need to be able to describe where they 
are to the responding sirens.


> Hi all;
> Looking to improve cell reception for mixed ATT/Verizon users on the
> first floor of one of our buildings.
> Starting to dig into this and coming across items like this one at
> Amazon[1], but thought some of you out there might have recommendations
> for something that has worked well for you and has been reliable.
> Am in a position to run cable from the roof to the floor in question.
> Thanks,
> Ray
> [1] 

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