Why does it seem like everyone is trying to "solve" this the wrong way? 

Do other networks' abuse departments just not give a shit? Blackhole all of the 
zombie attackers and notify their abuse departments. Sure, most of the owners 
of the PCs being used in these scenarios have no idea they're being used to 
attack people, but I'd think that if their network's abuse department was 
notified, either they'd contact the customer about it issue or at least have on 
file that they were notified. When the unknowing end-user reached out to 
support over larger and larger parts of the Internet not working, they'd be 
told to clean up their system. 

The way to stop this stuff is for those millions of end users to clean up their 
infected PCs. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Manuel MarĂ­n" <m...@transtelco.net> 
To: nanog@nanog.org 
Sent: Thursday, January 8, 2015 11:01:47 AM 
Subject: DDOS solution recommendation 

Nanog group 

I was wondering what are are using for DDOS protection in your networks. We 
are currently evaluating different options (Arbor, Radware, NSFocus, 
RioRey) and I would like to know if someone is using the cloud based 
solutions/scrubbing centers like Imperva, Prolexic, etc and what are the 
advantages/disadvantages of using a cloud base vs an on-premise solution. 
It would be great if you can share your experience on this matter. 

Thank you 

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