On 01/22/2015 06:28 PM, Aaron C. de Bruyn wrote:
> It's starting to become more typical.
> I finally resolved an issue after two weeks of fighting with them.
> A remote office could send traffic out, but couldn't receive traffic.
> .....

> http://xkcd.com/806/
> Maybe Comcast train the level 1 techs that if someone says "NANOG" you
> get transferred to someone who knows routing... ;)
And Charter gets you the business NOC if you call level1 tech between 2
and 6AM eastern.  Unfortunately this is the fiber-service noc so they
can't do much with cable nodes.  At least they know what a router is,
and ping and traceroute.
Reminds me of a call I made to the local power company some years back;
the transformer for my end of the block was rather undersized for the
more-recently installed customer air conditioners, and my line voltage
was around 85 in the afternoon.  Computers don't like that :-(  Called
the trouble line, said my voltage was low.  She asked how I was
measuring it, I said the magic word "Fluke".  She then said it would get
reported right away.  Of course, fixing it was a major undertaking (had
to replace the 2400 pole-top lines with 16kv, and add a transformer), so
it still took a year for them to actually fix it (and a day without
power while running the new lines)...

At least that magic word was in the script...

-- Pete

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