I'm just beginning to grasp the concepts of IPv6 operations here, so please
pardon my seeming ignorance.

If I'm reading properly, the best common practice (at least the original)
was allocating a minimum /48 to customers, though I did see one that
referenced a /56.

If I do everything on nibble boundaries, then that would mean the natural
breaks are /44, /40 and /36.  It makes the regions pretty large in terms of
customer count - just plain arithmetic, a /44 allocation for a region with
/56 for customers is a capability of 2**12 customers or 4096 where a /36
allocation for a region with /48 customers would be 4096.

It also sounds like the Internet (aka the upstream/Tier 1 carriers) don't
want me to advertise anything longer than my /32 into BGPv6.  Is that true?
 (I'm getting that from the spamming comments made by others)  Am I
supposed to be asking ARIN for a /32 for each region that I want to
address?  (They turned down my request for an increase to a /28 last year)

As far as the v6 to v4 translation is concerned, I'm looking at that for
the future - for the time being, we will be dual-stacked.  However, if we
move into a new area, based on our current IPv4 inventory, I don't really
have enough to assign to each new customer, so I was looking for ways to
allow those customers access to properties that are still IPv4 only.  Is
there yet another way to do that?


eric at techintegrity dot com
619-335-8148 voice & text
ericlouie on Twitter

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 7:51 AM, William Herrin <b...@herrin.us> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 6:28 PM, Eric Louie <elo...@techintegrity.com>
> wrote:
> > I'm putting together my first IPv6 allocation plan.  The general layout:
> > /48 for customers universally and uniformly
> Hi Eric,
> Good luck with that. Personally, I'd be inclined to think that some
> customers will (reasonably) want more than a /48 and I'd be in less of
> a rush to burn through my /32 for the sake of customers who would have
> been perfectly happy with a /56. The only deliberately static sizes
> I'd endorse is /64 for an ethernet LAN and the 4-bit nibble boundary
> for any delegations.
> > /38 for larger regions on an even (/37) boundary
> > /39 for smaller regions on an even (/38) boundary
> > A few /48's for "internal use" to allow us to monitor and maintain
> systems.
> Suggest you delegate to regions, purposes and customers on the 4-bit
> nibble boundary. This makes it easier to read your IPv6 addresses and
> it simplifies DNS operations.
> > For security sake, do I need (am I better off) to "reserve" a "management
> > block" (/39, /40, /41 or something of that nature) that does NOT get
> > advertised into BGP to my upstreams, and use that for my device
> management
> > and monitoring address space?  In other words, make a small "private"
> > address space for management?  What are folks doing around that?
> If it is strictly internal (not used for router interfaces that have
> to transmit destination unreachables) select and use a ULA block. That
> way when you find you really need to advertise a covering route for
> your /32 to get full IPv6 connectivity, your management network still
> won't be exposed to the Internet at large.
> Otherwise, address with firewalls and access lists. If you try to
> micromanage your /32's advertisement you'll both earn yourself grief
> and engender the annoyance of other IPv6 participants trying to keep
> the routing table small.
> > If I have to do 6-to-4 conversion, is there any way to do that with
> > multiple diverse ISP connections, or am I "restricted" to using one
> > entry/exit point?  (If that's true, do I need to allocate a separate
> block
> > of addresses that would be designated "6 to 4" so they'd always be routed
> > out that one entry/exit point?)
> Let's clarify some terminology:
> 6to4 - a system for facilitating IPv4-only end sites creating a
> configuration-free local IPv6 network that reaches out to the native
> IPv6 Internet. Run by unaffiliated volunteers. Algorithmically matched
> an IPv6 /48 to every possible IPv4 address. It did good service in
> IPv6's experimental days but is not production grade and basically
> should never be used again. Replace with free tunnels from Hurricane
> Electric or similar.
> 6rd - allows ISPs to deploy IPv6 to their customers without
> dual-stacking the ISP's network. Get your feet wet at minimal cost and
> then wait to see what happens before undertaking the substantial risk
> and expense of dual-stacking your entire network. Uses the network
> protocols developed for 6to4 but is implemented entirely within your
> organization and is production grade. 6rd uses *your* IPv6 addresses,
> so you route those IPv6 addresses with your peers as normal -- no
> special considerations needed.
> nat64/nat46 - allows an IPv6-only host to interact in limited ways
> with IPv4-only hosts. Don't go down this rabbit hole. This will
> probably be useful in the waning days of IPv4 when folks are
> dismantling their IPv4 networks but for now the corner cases will
> drive you nuts. Plan on dual-stacking any network which requires
> access to IPv4 resources such as the public Internet.
> Regards,
> Bill Herrin
> --
> William Herrin ................ her...@dirtside.com  b...@herrin.us
> Owner, Dirtside Systems ......... Web: <http://www.dirtside.com/>

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